Are you ready to take your guitar tone to the next level?
This 3 video series is for you. Every guitarist is in pursuit of perfect guitar tone. This workshop is packed full of helpful tools and hints that will help you master your electric guitar tone, and take your playing to the next level. This workshop will help you achieve great EQ, know how to properly approach and set up any amp, balance your different gains and drives, and fit right into a mix. Your bandmates will love you, and your soundguy will thank you. Don't hesitate to dive in and perfect your tone.
Video Series Includes:
+ Three Video Workshop
+ In depth explanation of the fret board and neck positions
+ A never seen before breakdown of the basics of guitar tone
+ Helpful tools that you can apply to achieve immediate results
+ The perfect resource for getting tone on stage and in the studio
+ An easy to understand teaching method that will leave you feeling more confident in your musicianship as an electric guitarist